
  • choose your plan

  • PagesPages
  • 100% Unique Design100% Unique Design
  • Contact FormContact Form
  • Blog PageBlog Page
  • Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics
  • Website updatesWebsite updates
  • starter

  • $149

    per month w/ 2 yr contract

  • Pagesup to 5
  • 100% Unique Design
  • Contact Form
  • Blog Page
  • Google Analytics
  • Website updatesUpdates available at an hourly rate
  • econo

  • $249

    per month w/ 2 yr contract

  • Pagesup to 10
  • 100% Unique Design
  • Contact Form10 accounts under one domain
  • Blog Page
  • Google Analytics
  • Website updatesGive us your changes. We will make them.up to 3
  • standard

  • $349

    per month w/ 2 yr contract

  • Pagesup to 15
  • 100% Unique Design
  • Contact Form
  • Blog Page
  • Google Analytics
  • Website updatesGive us your changes. We will make them.up to 5

© 2018 Studio2 Interactive

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